Reunion + Vacation = Amazing.
The two girls and I decided that we were going to go down a few days before to have some time to play on the beach, visit Sea World, and just relax and enjoy each others company. . . and we did just that. Monday night, we started our long road trip at 6 pm and drove all through the night. . . probably one of the hardest things I have done. BUT we made it safe and sound, and in good timing also. We had some good talks and especially laughs on our drive down, which helped make the 10+ hour drive that much easier.
We arrived in San Clemente, California around 4 AM!!!!
To make things more interesting, we couldn't check into our hotel until 2:00 PM. So we parked our cars in a church parking lot and attempted to sleep. We probably got at least 2 hours in but by then we could hardly stand being in the car any longer so we drove to the nearest DENNY'S for some breakfast. With our tiredness kicking in we had quite the breakfast.......
-pictures of Rachel's "butt"-
-spilling water across the whole table-
-"You wouldn't let me eat them!!!!"-
-spending well over an hour & a half eating-
-getting ready in the Denny's bathroom because we're bums-
-LOTS of laughing-
After our lovely breakfast, Joey & TK went their own way and the girls and I went to the beach all morning and afternoon until we could finally check into our hotel.
(pit stop in the middle of night)
(Sleeping in our car :) SO much fun..... NOT)
(breakfast at Denny's)
The waves at San Clemente beach were so high all morning long, we walked a long the beach for what seemed like forever trying to find a spot to sit and relax. At one point, (of course it had to be when NONE of us were paying attention) the waves came up and almost swept us off our feet. Trying to rescue bags, phones, etc... Emily's flip flops were taken out to sea & I somehow cut up my hand.
Hey! At least we got a kick out of it. :)
After playing at the beach all morning, we decided to go shopping and find Emily a new pair of flip flops!! It was so much fun going to all the shops they had along the beach.
So for some odd reason, I'm obsessed with these whales... and have been since I was way young. It's always been my dream to come to Sea World for as long as I can remember. I was in HEAVEN all day long! :) Best day EVER.
. . . 5 minutes after getting to Sea World, my flip flop broke. I thought that I could go the whole day without shoes because honestly, I didn't want to spend money on new flip flops. But later through out the day, the ground got too hot and I couldn't handle it anymore. So we searched the whole park for flip flops and finally found some hot pink ones.
ahhhh!!! I just can't get over how CUTE these whales are. I decided that when I am rich, I'm going to have a pool this big with a killer whale. :) yup. it's going to happen.
The rest of the week we just spent a lot of time at the beach and eating. of course. that's what always happens to us Moultrie's on vacations.
But it was sooo nice to get away, especially with the ones that I love the most. We made some memories that I'll never forget! Love you girls!
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