Sunday, August 1, 2010


This stupid spider ran right past my feet this morning while I was getting ready in the bathroom. At first I thought that it was just a big beetle (I've had alot of those down in my bathroom) It ran past so fast I couldn't really tell what it was. So I looked around the corner and there it was... still in my bathroom! I screamed & jumped onto my toilet. I AM DEATHLY AFRAID OF SPIDERS. I have probably killed 2 spiders in my life. I refuse to kill them. I sat there for a few mintues trying to figure out what to do with this HUGE spider... I wasn't about to kill it myself. So I called my mom and she told me to go ask Kelli for some raid, unfortunately we didn't have any but she told me that she would come down and kill it for me!! ahhh Thank you so much Kelli.... If it wasn't for you, I would have sat on my toilet for quite some time until I had the courage to just TRAP it in a cup.
I was telling this story to Rachel, she laughed and asked "You're never going to kill a spider are you???" I told her that when I say that I'm scared of spiders and refuse to kill them, I mean it.

To my FUTURE husband:
I sure hope that you aren't scared of spiders.... because this is your new job, to kill every spider that comes in contact with your wife. I refuse to kill ANY spider, and I mean it when I say that I'm deathly afraid of them.
Love, your future wife. :)

Something that I realized today and totally surprises me is how much time is added to your shower when you have to shave your legs! Like really??!?! it's the worst in my opinion.

Quote of the day:

"Life doesn't give you the people you want. It gives you the people you need. To help you. To hurt you. To love you. To leave you. And to make you into the person you were meant to be."

So something that I have learned from this whole experience is all the AMAZING people in my life (family, friends..) everything that I had (my house, food, car, school, etc) I knew that I had all these things but I was never grateful for what I had.. or it's not that I wasn't grateful, I just didn't show it. There are alot of people that I really look up to and I just want to thank each of you....

My Mom, is one of my BEST friends in this entire world. I really look up to her. She is amazing and I hope that one day I can be JUST like her to my children. She is such an example to me and I'm sure lots of people. She is always wanting to help others.... no matter if it's a family member, friend or even a stranger! I put her through sooo much while I was in High School and now that I think back, I was just being a selfish teenager that thought I knew everything.. and now I realize that honestly she knew what she was doing. Trying to help me. After everything that I went through, I turned around and now I'm so happy and it's all because my mom was there for me no matter what. Thank you Mom for never giving up on me!!!

Rachel.... my partner in crime. There have been many many times when Rach and I haven't gotten along with each other, but in my opinion these moments are what pull us closer and even closer friends. She's my twin... my bestfriend. Growing up, through high school, in life you lose friends but I know that she will ALWAYS be my best friend and will always be there for me! We've gone through alot together, good and bad. I'm just so thankful that she is my little sister/partner in crime/twin/&best friend. I'm just excited for all the experiences and adventures that we'll have for life.... for eternity.

Tori Andersen Johnson. Tori was my dance teacher in high school at the Jazz Studio. Even though she was just my dance teacher she was always there for us girls, especially me! She really helped me through ALOT of the really really difficult times in my life, I don't think she knows it. No matter what it was I was going through, she was always there to talk and comfort me.
Cassie Robison... AKA Cathy Ann. We went to Jr high & High school together! She has always been one of my really good friends and has always been there for me! Helping me through all my stuggles and problems that I have faced through the years. I'm so thankful that she was put into my life as one of my best friends!

Believe it or not... Cory. I went through a lot with this boy since 9th grade until my Senior year in high school. Only close family members and friends really know all that I went through, all the struggles I went through with him. But even strangers, peers, not so close family and friends could tell that there was alot that I was going through with him. And even though most of them weren't so good, I'm glad that I met him and went through the things I went through because I am a better person NOW because of it all. If I hadn't experience all of that, I wouldn't be the person that I am today. I want to thank all of his Family... his mom & sisters for really being there for me and supporting me! It was good to be so close with them through it all.

Someone that is really amazing and I really haven't shown my love and appreciation to the last few years is my Dad. We've all struggled alot in the past... But now that I am getting older and being so far away from home. I realize how much I love my Dad. I feel so bad for the way that I have treated him when I was in high school and until now. If I could go back and change things I would... just to show him that I really do love and care about him... as big as all the mountains in the world.
There are MANY many more people who I really love and care about and really look up to. Lots of family that has always been there and done so much for me and my family. TONS of friends that were & are there for me in my most difficult times in life. I really am thankful that I was able to meet alot of my friends... because they have all helped me and been there for me in some way or another.

I promise this cup is empty... and was empty the entire time!!!! :)

So yesterday Kelli & I went on a wine tour. It was very interesting. We went with all the ladies that Kelli works with.... and let me tell you, it's amazing how sheltered Utah is compared to everywhere else. I'm so glad that I was able to grow up in the sheltered state of Utah. In Utah it's not so surprising when you tell people that you don't drink.... here.... people's reactions were... "What?!? you don't drink at all???" It's a great experience living outside of Utah and seeing how the rest of the world is, it's good to see the "unsheltered" world. But... I would definitely want my future family to grow up in Bountiful :)They had all of us write down 3 random facts about ourselves and then they read them off and we had to try and guess who was who. It was pretty funny.... By the end of the trip, everyone re-wrote theirs about their HUSBANDS and we had to try and guess who's husband that was. For me.... I just wrote things about my "future" husband: 1. My future husband took me to my senior prom. 2. My future husband makes me breakfast in bed every Saturday 3. Is the father to my children. :) haha Oh they rented a bus... so it was a bus FULL of drunk women! Just imagine how loud it got. It was alot of fun though! I'm so glad that Kelli invited me to tag along.
Our favorite flavor of Wine.... Well the name was "Sneaky Bastard Red". We got a kick out of that one.

1 comment:

  1. OH MY heck that Spider is SOOOOOO GROSSSS!!!!!
    AH i love all your pics. Sounds like your having so much fun:)
